Thursday 30 January 2020

I just got back from a yoga class, held, amusingly, in St Jude's - the patron saint of lost causes. I was just trying it out to see if I liked it or not. The friend who recommended it said it was like going to therapy. I could probably use that, I thought. I really did try to like it. I would love to be the sort of person who likes a class like this. Alas it appears I am not that person. The woman who ran it was lovely, and had a very melodious voice (in the first relaxation I swear to god someone was snoring which was slightly off-putting but I guess they were just very ....relaxed). But as the class continued, she kept saying things like "you are pure light" and I kept thinking things like "well no not really". She'd say, "what is your heart telling you?" and I would think "hmm possibly angina?" And worst of all, in the final relaxation, I had to stifle a terrible urge to shriek with laughter - it kept bubbling up -  I think it was just the sheer earnestness of it all. I didn't laugh, thank goodness (oh but it was a close call).

I guess I'll have to find my therapy elsewhere.

Saturday 11 January 2020

Friday 10 January 2020

and sometimes the universe rewards us (or rather coincidences align)

I had a site meeting this morning so couldn't go for a run before work ( ah - too bad - 😄 ) but I did come back to work from home after the site visit so I could still get in a run before dark. I was tired. My legs ache. It's the first Friday after the holidays. My site meeting was trying. I did not feel like running. I vocalised this to some length, accompanied by shuffling and sighing. Finally I headed out the door. And the moment - the MOMENT I hit the rec ground, the sun cam streaming through the clouds, lighting up the trees and making even the rec ground construction site look beautiful. Out in the fields it was even better.

Although - I suppose if I hadn't spent so long bemoaning my fate I would have missed some of the sunbeams.  Make of that what you will!