Friday, 30 July 2010

culture jamming

saw this fab picture of london's new hire bikes :)

Just met a culture jammer rebranding London's new bikes with ... on Twitpic

the bikes are heavily branded by barclays, who are funding some of the scheme. the stickers, under the barclays logo, read:

"£20 million investment in bikes, £7300 million investment in bombs"


"funding depleted uranium birth defects in iraq"

i love it when people talk back.


Geosomin said...

Heh...back right before April fool's day someone put up a number of fake city stickers around the city in certain areas with things like: "Designated stabbing area" and "Children must be kept on leashes" in the downtown park, "Have you driven drunk yet today?" across from a tavern and "No human rights allowed within 5 meters" near the court house.

Sometimes I get so annoyed at the uberconservative religous bias here in was nice to see someone else having a say, even if it meant resorting to bumper stickers...

Anonymous said...

Apparently the bikes are "Made in Canada"