Sunday 8 September 2024


It is Sunday afternoon. Neal is roasting a chicken. It is just the two of us in the house for the first time in many days. It feels like a long beautiful exhale, like snuggling into your duvet when you know you're going to be able to go right back to sleep. Like pulling on perfectly fitting hand knit wool socks when your feet are cold.

It has been a delightful summer, but boy howdy has it ever been busy. All year, really. Family visits, work, music projects, birthday parties (oh yes!!) - all great stuff (really great stuff!), but non-stop. For once, I am looking forward to slowing down. To weeks with less juggling. I have been realising that I cannot do as much as I have been doing (can you hear Neal rolling his eyes? He is rolling them so hard it is audible). 

So as we head into what I always feel, affectionately, is the new year, I have some resolutions. Some more intention around activities done and not done, chosen and declined. Prioritisation. Triage, if you like.

And I will finally, DEFINITELY finish painting the front door which I started in July!

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